Holly Escapes The Busy With Dimpsey

We all need a break sometimes right? To escape our lives just for a short while, to rest, reset and
refocus before returning to our world feeling revitalised and ready to continue battling on, no?
Just me?

Over the past 18 months, I’ve taken to escaping my normality as often as I can, solo. Taking
myself away on these trips has been amongst the most empowering and precious experiences,
I’ve yet to have. Up until recently, these have been in the form of (usually spontaneous) road trips
down to Wales in my Nissan Pathfinder, a 4×4/truck type vehicle, not your typical, trendy
Volkswagen mini-van. The seats fold flat, making space for a makeshift bed, and I’ve decorated
the interior with warm, twinkling fairy lights. Sounds beautiful? It is, BUT less than practical.
Space is minimal, bathroom facilities don’t exist and in the colder months, a refreshing dip in the
wild water to freshen up is off the cards, so, when I was invited to stay in a luxury, remote
Shepherd’s Hut in the picturesque Blacktown Hills, piqued with history, I jumped at the chance.

For many travelling solo is something they long to do, yet admit openly that they’re put off by the
fear of the unknown or the worry of vulnerability, and sometimes I feel I could benefit from
perhaps a little more of that cautiousness, but then, I wouldn’t be me. I wrote a piece recently
about why I solo-travel if you’re interested in checking it out.

Emma, founder of Dimpsey Glamping, and I have been connected for many years now through
the magazine and social media, however it wasn’t until last year when Emma’s invaluable advice
and guidance helped me to clear pathways in my mind that had become crowded and overgrown
with self-limiting, stagnant thinking, just like a bridlepath becomes overgrown with pesky
brambles and stingers when it maintained.

I’d always looked longingly, at the photos adorning Dimpsey’s Instagram feed, take a look for
yourself it’s beautiful and that alone will likely tempt you to take a trip over to their website,
searching for availability!

A stay at Dimpsey had been on the cards for many moons before I eventually committed to the
getaway. To be honest, I have more than just the experience to thank Emma for, accommodating
my last minute request for dates, at a time I thoroughly needed to just stop, and sit with myself for
a while, was an invaluable gift she gave to me.

Dimpsey is home to three breathtakingly beautiful Shepherd’s Huts, each beautifully unique in
their own way. Hither (the first), Yonder, and most recently Dapple, which I was lucky enough to
stay in.

Emma tells me, “The word ‘dimpsey’ is an West Country word for the half light at the end of the
day.” Like dusk, or twilight, however I’m sure you’ll agree dimpsey has a bit more of a romantic
right? Popular with couples, Dimpsey is the ultimate romantic getaway, there’s no doubt! But for
me, there’s a unique kind of romance in solo-travel too. It’s a truly authentic form of self-love and

“The land here has a confidence about it, of a land well lived. The farmstead is steeped in history
and even listed in the Doomsday book!” Emma shares with me as we rumble down the rural roads
to the nearby pub, The Cotley. Emma has a story which will captivate you, her passion for her
home and her business is infectious and I hope one day to be able to share that story with you all.
As one of the last fresh moor farms in the Blackdown Hills, you don’t need me to tell you how
beautiful the view is, your imagination will take you there, but idyllic and serene are two words I’d
use to describe the view from Dapple’s door.

I coasted down my private shingle track, to my home, which quickly became my sanctuary, for the
next few days. I could physically feel my body relax and the tension I had been unwillingly gripping
tightly, leave my body as soon as I parked up with Dapple in my view, like steam from a hot, fresh
cup of coffee, floating away and disappearing into the surrounding air.
I opened the door, greeted by warm lights left on to welcome their next guest, a retro-style radio
quietly playing some music in the corner, and my favourite twinkling skylights above the bed,
enticing me to ‘relax your body, recharge your soul and rediscover’ as Emma explains when
sharing the purpose and aim of her, and husband Andrew’s joint-venture.

Everywhere you look there is evidence that thought has gone into every inch, of not only the brace
Shepherd’s Hut itself (built by Blackdown Shepherd’s Huts, another business Emma is an integral
part of), but also in it’s interior design and dress. Little nooks and crannies, sustainable products
(including natural deodorant), beautiful kitchenware and even a whistling kettle!

“Our vision for this project (Dapple) was ‘opulent wild’ – a totally opulent luxury interior, but
maintaining the wildness of the outdoors,” Emma shares, and I think they nailed it.

I laughed as I recalled to Emma, how it took me a good 10 minutes to figure out the induction hob,
in order to boil the kettle for a relaxing cuppa, something I am sure wouldn’t stump most, but it did
me. It was an experience I’ll remember, it was one of the first things I attempted to do, once I’d laid
down my bags. The fact I was challenged to figure this thing out (how hard could it be?!), made me
slow right down, the exact purpose of Dimpsey.

With steak waiting for me in the fridge from their own Dexter cattle, and bacon and eggs all from
their own home-produce was such a wonderfully wholesome touch. Cooking with food that you
know the origin of, has a different experience and taste, when compared to any old-Joe’s from the

I did some of my best thinking as I resigned myself to the sofa in the evening, feeling ignited with
passion for my future plans once again, now that I’d given myself the time to be quiet and still (hard
with an excitable puppy in tow, but she enjoyed sitting outside and watching the world go by too).
The evenings spent snuggled in ‘celestial boudoir’ (as Emma affectionately calls the rear hut), were
sacred and soulful, the built-in Naturalmat bed adorned with luxurious Owen Barry sheepskin and
the most beautiful LED stars above were precious beyond words. Experiencing this alone, gives
you a completely different take-away to the one you’d have with someone else I think.

With a vast outdoor decking space, outdoor shower and copper bath, you can really connect with
and embrace nature and a simpler life, something I want to bring forward into my life as I’ve
returned to my normality, feeling anew. Though I didn’t experience the outdoor bath THIS TIME,
due to the cold and having Nell in tow, felt a little guilty making her sit out with me as I soaked
soulfully underneath the stars, but I very much intend to be back in the warmer months!

Dimpsey is an experience, an all consuming narrative you’ll fall in love with. You experience
Dimpsey inside and out, regardless of which hut you stay in.

So thank you, Dimpsey, thank you Dapple and thank you Emma and Andrew for a stay I won’t

If you’re interested in booking a stay for yourself (solo) or with a friend or partner, then visit the
website for availability and more information on the other huts.
Until next time…
Lots of love,
Holly Xxx

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